lunes, 23 de abril de 2018
Kiyotaka Sugimoto, long time contributor to BEMANI, began his ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT project in 2000, with pop'n music 5's Homesick Pt.2&3. This song was a hit, and became one of pop'n music 5's fan favorites.
Following his departure from Konami in 2002, Kiyotaka started his solo live activities as ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT in Tokyo. In 2005, Fujitaka Sugita joined the band until 2008, where ORANGENOISE SHORTCUT was disbanded.
Kiyotaka continues his live performances as a solo artist, and also as a guest member to other bands like ROUND TABLE.
2nd Full Album 「Landscape」

3rd Full Album 「Bubblelights」

1st CD-R"Simple Sample"
Si te gusto este articulo compartelo con tus amigos | Orangenoise Shortcut