Here you can request anything you would like to find in this blog.
Further requests can be find right here!

{ 32 comentarios... read them below or Comment }

  1. I love your blog. I'd like to see some Kahimi Karie albums and a few missing ones by Flipper's Guitar (a live album which name I can't remember) and Pizzicato Five (Romantique 96). Greetings!

    1. Thanks for your request, i will look forward to them.

    2. Thank you very much for this great blog, I'm looking for the suilen album - Licca no nee and the Back-on album - Awesome Best if they had it it would be great

  2. Thank you so much for this blog! I was able to discover cool stuff like Lamp and Local Bus.
    I was wondering if you could find some Instant Cytron releases.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful blog! Can you please post an updated link for 『Swinging Popsicle』 by Swinging Popcicle? The current one does not work.

  4. Great blog!! Awesome work :)
    Coud you put some ''Seagull Screaming Kiss Her Kiss Her On here?
    that would be amazing!! :)

    1. I have them already, but i'm not in a good condition to upload something.

  5. I'd like to see Sana's Moving On EP since it doesn't seem to be available to get anymore and I missed out when it first released.

  6. I don't find anything of "Cubismo Gráfico" anywhere. If it's possible...

  7. Thank you for the Citrus's albums! Could you upload Panicsmile's albums? Thanks!

  8. Hi. I'm not sure if the blog is still active. First of all thank you for the TMGE collections. I already had most of them but yours are way better quality. For the request can you upload some Blankey Jet City? These 2 bands are the greatest Japanese band of all time for me. Thanks!

    1. Blog still alive, can't take your request right now, but i will take it into consideration for future uploads, thanks for stepping by.

  9. Thanks for your blog.T always enjoy your blog.
    If it is OK,could you upload the theme "Athlete no tamashii"of"Hayashi seisakusyo -oto no tsumeawase bin"please?
    Thank you for reading.

  10. Great blog!
    Please, if you can upload some 電気グルーヴ (Denki Groove) CDs
    1.) 人間と動物
    2.) Tropical Love
    3.) 20
    4.) 30

    Thanks very much

  11. hi thanks for your wonderful work, please can you update Beat Crusader discography still missing some singles like Sensation this have a song that isnt in recopilatory album

  12. kiroro - best friend in FLAC please. it ll be a lot of help . thanks.

  13. Do you have F-1 GRAND PRIX WORLD and SOLITUDE in 320k or FLAC? I'm looking for them like crazy.

    1. Please give me more information about that album in order to find it.

  14. album > tokyo ghoul re song > remembering . this is the only song i want from the album in flac. please se if its possible to get it. i am outside japan and they are forcing me to buy the whole cd which costs 50$ with shipping. looking for it for 1 year. thank you a lot.

  15. please continue this blog, much love from Philippines, hope you can upload the album chime by lucie, too

  16. Hi, can you upload the album Daruma Ringo by Gesu no Kiwami Otome
    or update their discography?
    Thank you so much for this awesome blog ;D

  17. I'd love to listen to a compilation album called Promenade Fantasy At The Midtown from 2010.

    Thank you for all your hard work!

  18. Hey, love the site. Could you perhaps upload anything 88kasyo Junrei post-2015?
    Thanks in advance.

  19. Hey, love the site. Could you perhaps upload anything 88kasyo Junrei post-2015?
    Thanks in advance.

  20. Can you upload Kinoko Teikoku discography?

  21. Thank you very much for this great blog, I'm looking for the suilen album - Licca no nee and the Back-on album - Awesome Best if they had it it would be great

  22. Awsome blog!
    Could you upload Mayumi Kojima - Sayonara Cecile? hahaha
    Thanx for having this site alive, you're great <3


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